School Name : SMA Negri SEMARANG
Lesson : BIOLOGY
Class / semester : XII 12
Time allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
Competency standards :
1. To understand the application of basic concepts and principles of heredity and their implications on mutual Temas.
Basic competence :
1. 1 To apply the principle of heredity patterns in the inheritance mechanism
I. Indicators:
1. Applying the principle of inheritance by law Mendel
2. Explaining the patterns of heredity
3. Describing examples of congenital diseases and how to prevent.
2. Explaining the patterns of heredity
3. Describing examples of congenital diseases and how to prevent.
II . Learning objectives
After schooling activity the students are expected to:
First meeting:
1. Understanding the principles of heredity according to Mendel law
2. Applying the principle of inheritance by law Mendel
3. Explaining the patterns of heredity (deviations apparent link, crossovers, ABO system and sex chromosome adrift
4. Applying the patterns of human heredity
5. Instilling character Critical, Logical, Thorough, Responsibility, Cooperation independent.
Second meeting :
1. Recording a variety of disorders or diseases declined in the neighborhood
2. Identifying of how to avoid the disease decreased
3. Instilling character Critical, Logical, Thorough, responsibility, cooperation.
III. Learning materials
Heredity pays attention of many researchers, such as Mendel. These studies result in legal Mendel Mendel's law Mendel I and II. Mendel first law as follows:
· Mendel's First Law explains that during the formation of garnet occur separation factor pair with each receiving one of garnet factors. Mendel's law known as legal segregation or separation freely.
· Mendel's Law II explains that during the formation of garnet, each allele clustered independently. Mendel's Law II is also known by the principles of free clustering.
The patterns of heredity include individuals in the offspring through the garnet by following certain rules, principles inheritance properties have been put forward by Mendel. Comparison of phenotype in the F2 dihybrid marriage is 9:3:3:1. And Crosses monohybrid have phenotypes in F2 ratio is 3:1.
Quasi-legal irregularities in the interaction of several genes Mendel (atavism) is known in four different forms of wattle (comb), the wattle serrations (ros), wattle seeds (peas), wattle blades (single) da wattle sumpel (walmut). Deviations that appear are F2 does not resemble one parent. It comes two aggregated as a result of the interaction of two recessive factors. In the F2 phenotypic ratio of 9 : 3 is obtained :
3 : 1.
3 : 1.
There are some pseudo legal irregularities, as follows:
1. Cryptomeria is a dominant genus non allele that seems hidden if it stood alone, its effect will appear after the genes appear dominant genes simultaneously. Cryptomeria events found in the formation of flower color of Linaria
2. Epistasis Hypostasis is the event where the dominant gene dominant gene cover other non allele. Factors that covers the nature of the carrier is called epistasis, whereas the closed nature called hypostasis.
3. Polymerization of a heredity pattern characterized by a trait that is determined by many alleles. The sample of Polymerization in humans is character formation of height, weight, skin color, eye color, intelligence, and body shape.
4. Complementary gene interaction between two genes is dominant, if there together will complement each other so that they appear phenotype allele.
5. Dominant recessive genes of this apparent deviation occurs because there are two dominant genes that affect the same living body
6. Inhibitor gene is apparent irregularities that occur because there are two dominant genes which, if equally influence will hinder the influence of one dominant gene so that the ratio of 13:3 phenotype
Ø Link is the event when the genes are located on the same chromosome can separate yourself freely when meiotic division.
Ø Crossing is an event of chromosome exchanging from one to the other homologous chromosome, or with parts of different chromosomes (not the homologous) and Links sex is sex events with genes located on sex chromosomes, generally on the X chromosome (sex chromosome X),
Ø Determination of sex (sex determination) is mainly determined by the composition of sex chromosomes. In humans contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. Karyotype of Women : 44A + XX (22AA + XX) egg (ovum) = 22A + X and Men: 44A + XY (22AA + XY) sperm = 22A + 22A + _ X and Y.
There are several congenital disease that is usually inherited in their offspring. Generally, the decline is recessive disorder. Like:
a. Albinism
b. Phenylketonuria
c. Alkaptonuria gene
d. Cretinism
e. Cystic fibrosis
Congenital diseases also can be caused by inheritance of autosomal genes in humans, such as for example:
a. Polidaktili (extra finger)
b. PTC.
c. Thalassemia,
d. Dentinogenesis imperfect,
e. Anonychia,
f. Retinal aplasia,
g. Cataract
But there are several ways to avoid the disease decreased, namely:
1. Eugenics is the effort to avoid the decreased disease through the use of genetic laws
2. Eunetis is the effort to avoid the decreased disease through improving the quality of life, such as improving nutrition, environmental hygiene and exercise. Or by avoiding inbreeding, as well as health history check for prospective brides.
IV. Methods and models of learning
1. Method: The method of lecture, question and answer, discussion
2. Model of learning: cooperative learning and PBL (Problem-Based Teaming)
3. Approach: inquiry
2. Model of learning: cooperative learning and PBL (Problem-Based Teaming)
3. Approach: inquiry
V. Steps of learning.
1. Learning activities
· First meeting
v The initial stage
1. The teacher opened the lesson and explain the purpose of learning
2. The teacher check the students’ attendance
3. Teachers give apersepsi and motivation before starting the lesson
a) Apersepsi
The teacher shows pictures of a family
b) Motivation
We never looked in the mirror, and say like whom I am?
v Core activities
a) Exploration
1. The teacher asks the students to read different literature on heredity
2. The teacher divides the various groups in the classroom. E.g. formed 4 groups
b) Elaboration
1. The teacher asks the students to discuss about: For group 1, of: pseudo-link deviations, for group 2, concerning: crossovers,
For group 3, of: ABO system For groups of 4, about: adrift of sex chromosomes
For group 3, of: ABO system For groups of 4, about: adrift of sex chromosomes
2. With teacher guidance, each group discussed the issues that have been distributed.
3. Each group puts forward the results of the discussions that have been done
4. The Teacher provides ample opportunity for students or other groups to respond or give an opinion in the discussion
c) Confirmation
1. Teachers confirm the results of students' discussion of the literature.
2. Teachers provide positive feedback on students' opinions in discussion forums.
v Closing activities
1. Teachers and students together to conclude the learning materials that have been studied.
2. Teachers held a reflection and evaluation of learning outcomes through the post test to determine the level of understanding of the material that has been studied.
3. The teacher gives the task to find articles about diseases, congenital disease.
4. Teachers close the learning activities by giving greetings
5. Teachers deliver activities next week's meeting
· The second meeting
v the first activity
1. The teacher opened the lesson and explain the purpose of learning
2. Master roll student attendance
3. Teachers give apersepsi and motivation before starting the lesson
a) Orientation
Do you ever see a Bollywood artist like Hrithik Roshan? Do you ever pay attention to his right hand?
b) Apersepsi
Diseases that have a number of fingers is less or more than normal people? is the disease a derivative?
c) Motivation
What causes someone has the extra fingers?
v core activities
a) Exploration
1. The teacher asks the students to read an article about congenital diseases that have been assigned by the teacher
2. Teachers asks the students to give another examples of hereditary in the neighborhood
3. Teacher divides the two major groups in the classroom.
b) Elaboration
1. The teacher asks the students to discuss about: Group A: Looking for examples of hereditary in surroundings Group B: the efforts to avoid the hereditary
2. With teacher guidance, each group discussed
3. Each group puts forward the results of the discussions that have been done
4. Teachers provide ample opportunity for students or other groups to respond or give an opinion in the discussion
c) Confirmation
1. Teachers confirm the results of students' discussion of the literature.
2. Teachers provide positive feedback on students' opinions in discussion forums.
3. Embedding characteristics: rigorous, cooperation, responsibility and logical
v Closing activity
1. Teachers and students together to conclude the learning materials that have been studied.
2. Teachers held a reflection and evaluation of learning outcomes through the post test to determine the level of understanding of the material that has been studied.
3. Teacher gives tasks
4. Teachers close the learning activities by giving greetings
VI. Book learning resources
1. Suryo. 2008. "Genetics Tier 1" \ Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University. p. 4-37 and 251-322
2. Suryo. 2003. "Human Genetics". Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University. p 286-292
3. Kimbal. \ V. John. 1992. Biology. London: Erland
4. Campbell. Reece and Mitchell. Biology, vol 1. 2002. London: Erland. p. 257-297
5. LKS: high school biology class XII South Jakarta: Pustaka Graha. p. 50-59
VII. Scoring
1. Type of bill : The task of individual and group work
2. Forms of instruments : a written test
Instrument Example
a. Cow superior in fertility but low in milk production (AAbb) mated with low cattle fertility power but high in milk production (aaBB), both the nature of the prevailing dominant, then how much percentage of F2 offspring that have superior properties and pure line is ....
b. Discuss with your group of friends, how to avoid congenital diseases other than as Eugenics and eunetis!
Knowing, Semarang, April 2011
Principal Teacher subjects
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